Saturday, February 28, 2009


Mom's in the hospital.


Enjoy while it lasts.

Today was spent studying (which of course, failed),having lunch at Mos Burger w Pei Si & Jia Wei,meeting my buddy Samuel(DEMON HAHAHA)& his woman for the chemistry notes,going all the way to Serangoon Central to meet Melvin Pillay & Ronald Lee to play l4d(left 4 dead).Firstly, big thanks to Dear Pei si for the belated birthday gift (FTW) & that memoirable birthday letter.

Upon reading that birthday letter, it really made me think of the past.How us trio were so blissful, there were more cherished moments than the little qualms/squabbles we three had.However we gradually went our own ways, having our own friends & life.This was when i thought to myself, what really happened? Was it the fact that we had differences, or because we let our difference/misundertandings get to us?

Yeah, you could say im feeling melancholy, but on the other hand, Im glad that things turned out this way in a sense that I learnt a whole lot, be it who my real friends are, & who i have neglected whilst being so caught up with only a few.So right now, im making an effort to connect with my long-time-no-see friends,& at the same time, keeping those whom I can trust, close.

Anyway, I tried sucking helium today with Pei si.It was amusing & it definitely made us break into peals of laughters, another happy memory :> Sadly, i couldnt stay with her for long because I had to go to Harbourfront to meet the dear buddy for the chemistry note(book), then after that, make my way to Serangoon Central to hang with Melvin & Ronald.To think hanging out was going to the lan shop to play left 4 dead(-_-).The moment Melvin was telling me,'oh, l4d means left 4 dead.We're going to the lan shop!We teach you how to play k?',I went on declining profusely, because I hate anything to do with zombies.On the contrary, when I started playing, it was kind of creepy but honestly speaking, i must say it was fun!

Unfortunately, I had to hurry home because the fathership was pissed for not informing him personally that i would not be home for dinner.Ran in the drizzle, & now, @ home, Tv on, Computer on, Music on, Msn on...Distracted to the core. K Gonna study now, sorry for the abrupt ending!


Friday, February 27, 2009


I shall be using blogspot from now.
Be a kind soul & link me up.