Monday, March 23, 2009

고마운 마음

Life is tiring these days.
Then I went to church, & my day was brightened up by the fact that the close friend of mine who left for England actually gave me one last gift before leaving.Well I mean he left already to Malaysia @ first during the holidays with his family for a holiday,but the fact he actually thought of me made me realise he is a really thoughtful & sweet person.Come on, I was the only one he gave the present to!So although throughout the whole week I felt like shit,he brightened up my week & made me be thankful I know someone like him.Heehee I was so happy when I received the present but I didnt show it because i would look very childish. ^^
Apparently its the first day of the 2nd term & I already feel tired. This means I need t o start planning my time & stop using the bloody laptop!!!!
Somehow it seems like slowly everyone's leaving. First a close reliable brotherly figure goes abroad to study, then tomorrow my dad's leaving for China. Won't be seeing often anymore, just once every three months. :/ & then my mom told me my roommates gonna move out soon. Sigh...
Why is everyone going away?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today was an extremely fulfilling day, woke up early to meet Jephthah,Boyuan,Alson,ChuanWah,Delis,Shaun & GuanWee and headed to East Coast Park! Everyone wanted to cycle whereas I was the only happy loser who skated around, trying to catch up with them bikers as fast as I can. Needless to say, my years of rollerblading experience paid off^^ Heehee! We were cycling & skating around for nearly 4 hours, stopping a few times to rest, and also to play blackjack & Heart Attack. Well I have no idea how to play blackjack so watched them play,sometimes saying out all Chuan Wah's cards just for the fun of it. Sorry Chuan Wah but thats just me being an irritant (smiles sheepishly).For dinner, it was a satisfying Steamboat meal(again),but @ Bugis instead. Haha & the only thing I ate the most was not meat, but that thin glass noodles-_- The "tang hoon" noodles. I mean it tastes really good!With the MaLa soup or whatever you call it.Then we chillax-ed, chatted with one another & finally, made our way home..

Whilst reaching home, someone called me and I realised it was this close friend/"older brother" I know from Church-name's Hyun Seok, & whatever he said really left me speechless. Apparently around mid-february my parents told me he was gonna go to England to study? & Yeah, I knew,He knew I knew, but we didnt really hung out or even go out for one last outing.Sad to say, in church we would just exhange greetings,make small talk & part ways..He never told me when he would be leaving? Until today.He told me he was gonna leave for Malaysia for a holiday w his parents first,then directly fly off to England after that.Gosh, the moment I heard that I couldnt help but start sobbing uncontrollably. Its like, he really was a good brotherly friend of mine,he was well-liked by everybody. What made me cry & regret was the fact that I couldnt go look for him just now because it was too late,he was already gonna leave, & also because I was too at a lost for words I couldnt say much on the phone. I had so much to say! This is one huge regret.I didnt even bade him a proper farewell,& he has already left.I wouldnt be able to see him for perhaps a year..Sigh so theres one thing I have learnt from this, that is to follow your heart, if you have something important to say, say it before its too late. This feeling sucks, everytime I think about it,it makes me cry again. Well all I can do for now is just wish him the best in England, pray that things will be alright for him & keep in touch w him through the internet. Sigh...Im not in the mood for blogging anymore. Shall end here for today, sorry.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I am feeling all woozy now.
My head hurts,my eyes hurt,fever's burning,body aches,
my throat hurts,my back aches again,
i've got a blocked nose & its runny at the same time.
Sucks to be me!
Im actually sick on a holiday.


I have no idea if you're that clueless,
but its getting on my nerves that you're like basically
following what I do/copying me. Its not about how I dress
,nothing to do with appearance, but how you try to
imitate whatever I say,do,my style on certain theoretical things.
I dont want to be too specific but please, after reading
this, I hope you understand its becoming annoying & I wish
you could please kindly
Yeah sometimes I may seem like im joking/fooling around,
but frankly, its because its fucking me up hence
I joke/fool around, geddit? To tell you in a nice way.
But because you're too blind/clueless/idk,
i just had to say it.
Perhaps you're doing it unconsciously.
If you are, can you stop and start thinking?
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


let me get my facts straight.No matter how fucked up or how loser-ish i may seem,in some obvious aspects, such as ACADEMICALLY,i am better than you.Sorry I had to touch a nerve there but i mean,i learn from the best don't i?I have got so many things to say to you,and i'll say it here.Writing things here will be ten times better because then will you be able to see what i had to say,and then after all this shit, you can go for another bitching session,i wouldnt give two fucks anymore.
First, let me admit that yeah,like a fish to a bait,i reacted to your childish acts,bitching around,making up/assuming things & 'trying to get people to side you'.So for once, i'll stoop low to your level & do the exact same thing, only without backstabbing.You know what, for 3 whole years,3 whole fucking years, I treated you as my bestfriend, my confidante, a reliable friend who just had some rebel issues.I always thought it was my responsibility to help you walk the right path, but seeing how you are so headstrong and rebellious, obviously all my nagging were in vain.That's okay, that must have been partly my fault because I cant change/control people.But you know what? Throughout those 3 years, I was always the one who initiated a clarification whenever we quarrelled, i was the one who always apologised although at times you were the one who did wrong.Why?BECAUSE I KNOW IT TAKES TWO HANDS TO CLAP.
Then the birthday issue, was it my wrong you got into trouble?Was it my wrong your Choir teacher already knew about it so your dad found out too?F.Y.I-be fucking glad your choir teacher is showing so much grace to you because if she hadnt,you and your friend would have been in deepshit with the school discipline.Was it my fault that you stayed out of your house for 3 days 2 nights?Was it my fault your father knew where i live?Was it my fault your father was worrying about some daughter like you the whole night,wondering where could she be?Was it my fault I didnt nag you on your birthday?Was it my fault i had to tell your father about your boyfr & all the contact numbers?Is it my fault your boyfr should know way better,yet he is angry at me because your dad knows about him?Was it my fault,when in the end you said you would face the consequences,but because you somehow were so afraid of facing your father's wrath, you had to lie again?Your poor father actually believed you,yknow?And you sided some guy who(no offense), is old enough to think responsibly,but chose to put his wants infront of responsibility.I think the phrase 'love is blind' totally fits here.Seeing how you always gush about how handsome he is,how he looks like edward cullen,practically just gushing about his looks and making use of his money to get things your parents will never get you.Boyfriends arent for you to make use of,okay?And doesnt mean you have a so called 'hot' boyfriend, you become some incredulously big fuck.So i think its time you stop bragging about him already.And dont even think Im jealous or envious of you.I just pity that guy because he isnt even married to you and he has to support your cravings,when he has his mom,himself,his education to support.But I digress.Initially I thought I was guilty, but sorry, for this, you're the one at fault and for ONCE,you should take the blame.Stop pushing it to others.
Oh and to the other friend who was involved, was it my fault you followed suit with her,and you blame me that you had to bribe your cousin with 10 dollars just so she would answer all the phonecalls that day?Why not think logically like how you can,if you hadnt got influenced, you wouldnt even have been in that shitty situation.
Yeah, after that everything started going downhill, i dont blame you for not being able to trust me anymore,but if you were mature enough like how you always try to dress,then perhaps you would have known that I didnt mean any harm to you.What's more,i clearly remember you saying after the EOY'08 that you think your dad somehow knows you are in a relationship.If your dad somehow knows, why were you so shit-scared that i told your dad about it? Why, cos your bf would get into deep shit? Sorry to burst your bubble, thats HIS RESPONSIBLITY,HE SHOULD LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES.
Valentines day.That was just some small misunderstanding, i dont understand why you had to go around pissing and moaning about me, calling me a fat bitch and scoffing at the idea of me asking your friend if she could lend me her make-up that day.At least I dont wear make-up every time i go out,hiding my haggard face behind a pile of fake-up sometimes even in school.But yeah, i respect your decision for putting on make-up,that's your choice.But was it any of your business, did i even ASK you?What, you were damn offended that day because of me?What about me, I was DAMN OFFENDED BY YOU TOO.Seeing how you assume things alllllllll the fucking time,and expecting me to follow your orders happily when you didnt ask me along ,ASSUMING i would be feeling awkward.Since when did you care about how I would feel so much huh,since when?You didnt even ask my opinion, when in actual fact I wouldnt have minded at all,being there listening to you and her singing chinese songs.Its called courtesy, which I think you lack of.Sorry I was too direct but thats the only way I can say it clearly without missing my point.And what, I was jealous? PFFT,i was just speechless that you have seriously not a bit of courtesy in you.
Yeah, i admit! I bitched about you too,how you think you're all that when (no offense) a lot of people dislike who you are now,and in case you dont know,much more than you think. Again, I know many people dislike me too, well thats their opinion,I cant make everyone like me. But for you, those people ,including me, used to LIKE you.Until you morphed into someone who puts her boyfriend first,well other than that,seriously changing into someone nobody could comprehend.Im not here to make people take sides, theres no point having those reliable friends you have now yknow.Because afterall you bitched about them too, or if you havent, you definitely will, and you'll slowly fall out.
About being academically better,that's a written fact.What, you scoffed at me that day just because I mentioned I did a research on JC and the subjects they offer? I shuold be the one scoffing at you, because no matter how much you research or read on JCs, you can never enrol in one(not even in the lousiest JC in s'pore),judging by how you got such meagre grades for your latest exam.Why, was i being too bitchy? Sorry, but this is how i'll pay back to you, so you can eat this up & try to pull your socks because gosh, im so sorry, you cant even get into the poly course you want to get in!What, Lasalle?SOTA?NAFA?MDIS? you still need some brains to get in, pitiful you.So take this advice for once, stop gallivanting,& start being a proper sec 4 student who is going to take her 'O' levels!Your dad is just too good for you, how he has to pay for expensive tuition when you bring home failures.
After all this, Im still bothered by the fact you like to get a strong grip of people and influence them like fuck till they themselves become people unrecognizable inside. Partly they may be the ones to blame too, because they are the ones who chose to succumb,who chose to walk the same path as you. It is only a matter of time before they start to realise you may be a wild out-going party animal, but deep inside, you're just a liar, someone who lies about every.single.little.thing., you backstab everyone, probably even them!Don't even deny, because I went through that before.Obviously you would say I am in no right position to crap about this, but unlike you, at least I tell them in the end and i apologise.Or if I didnt, Im apologising now. So to the 2 friends who are now 'BFFs' with her, there were times I bitched about you, how i think one of you is really money-faced but having a friend like her, you got all rights because she owes you so much money.If she has paid you back everything, thats a miracle, the only good thing that i noticed in her.& I dont understand why you're treating me coldly at times? Because first of all, there is nothing cold-ish going on between you and me, I dont even have any qualms against you.But you wanna side your friend, so be it.I hope your effort pays well.As for the other friend, honestly I think right now you're just thinking oh im having fun, this is good, but slowly, you'll realise sometimes,experience that can never be erased(okay maybe with laser),isnt worth experiencing now just because you think 'you might die tomorrow'.Thats a foolish motto to live on,because if you really abide by that motto, you might as well have sex with a stranger for the experience!Why not, you might die tomorrow as a virgin!Honestly during sec 3 i thought you like to fake the slang and act like a bimbo? But some people are like that and besides, everyone has gone through that phase before.And right now, you're also in another phase, which you seriously need to get out of soon.Im not saying this because im trying to get you in my side or trying to appear like a friendly person, im saying this because at least I know you are humane enough to think logically,you know what is right and wrong,you still have sense.And afterall, i didnt even have any grudges against you,did i? I just sincerely hope you guys will learn something from this one day.You can hate me all you want, but you cant hate me for some things which you know as a true friend I did right.You can bitch too after reading all this, but you know that what I wrote are all true, that is if you ever even put yourselves in my shoes or tried to clarify with me and understand what is going through my head.
Anyway, to that person in particular, you want to hate me for being so outfront and bitchy, go on. I've already said whatever I need to say and wanted to say.You can continue bitching about me again, I seriously wont care anymore because I know better.Its just a waste I had to spend 3 years having happy memories and knowing it will only always be a memory, nothing more.
However, thank you for teaching me a lesson on who I should trust and who I should depend on as a bestfriend.And thank you for not being my bestfriend anymore, this gives me a chance to find someone better, and learn from my mistake, to actually be glad I survived all this. Honestly I think I learnt a whole lot observing and discovering all the snideful things you did and do. Really, thank you very much :) I hope you read this and prove to everyone you're true to whatever I had mentioned. Thank you for reading all this ( if you really did ) till here. Oh, you can go brag/lie about how you skipped some parts because you thought I crap too much, I know you read everything. Bye

Friday, March 13, 2009

Fucking Scary

Gosh. I am bloody scared now,after watching that thai horrow movie,"Coming Soon". It is seriously the scariest movie I have ever seen, how gory and shocking it is when the crazy ghost appears & screams. Well, went to watch it with Hyona^^ and Samuel!Haha, it was hilarious how me and hyona were like practically the only ones screaming like freaks throughout the movie( Quite embarrassing also ). Samuel just had to shock me suddenly, making me scream ,breaking the silence. Haha! Seriously today was damn epic.Today i got acquainted with Samuel's long time friend Jesterbunny, she's real chatty & animated, very sociable ^^ Also, met Mervyn for the first time although I kept quiet & didnt say hi because..Well I felt shy and awkward.
Okay,but let me digress. After the movie, we went to Peninsula Plaza to get myself another septum stud because I lost all my ball-bearings.In the end, within 10 minutes i lost one of my stud's ball bearing again. Sigh. So till hyona passes me one of her ball-bearing, I have t wear my stud without the ball-bearings. Hehe^^ Thank you Hyona!!!! Yeah, after getting the stud, headed to Haji Lane on foot, and sheesha-ed while we attempted taking unglam pictures of each other, and camwhore-ing also ^^ Was feeling dizzy at first, but then it gradually became a bad headache.
HOWEVER!today was a really fun day and I'm glad I met up w Hyona! and of course Sammy Buddy :> Thank you guys for making today such an enjoyable day & lets hang out soon!Haha alright, feeling exhausted, gonna go sleep. Meeting peisi @ 7.30am to jog!! x

Thursday, March 12, 2009


If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.-Mark Twain

School is coming to an end for the first term, relieved that it's finally here, but apprehensive that its getting nearer to the big 'O's. It feels like as though January was a few days ago? Fuck, its already mid-march. I really need to improve my chinese tremendously, i have absolutely no idea how because most of the time I converse in english, even during chinese lessons. What's more, Chinese Oral Prelim is next week monday. Stress!

Today Drama Practice was bad at the beginning, considering how Mr Tan suddenly morphed in to my character, shouting angrily & turning red in the face from the shouting. However, that obviously made us cast members 'wake up' & properly act our part. Hence, everything went well at the end, seeing how 2 of my drama teachers teared ^^ Hopefully, our efforts will pay off because currently, im more nervous about performing during the school assembly than acting on 14th april for SYF.I need to really focus!

Right now I am waiting for the clock to strike 12am so that I can wish Hungyih a happy sweet 16th birthday. To think i still have maths homework to do & from what i heard, english summary -_- Okay its 12am!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Often we have no time for our friends, but all the time in the world for our enemies. -Lean Uris
Sometimes its not how long you can last in a cold war, its who is willing to put themselves in the other's shoes and understand,admit and of course, apologise. I feel a heavy weight lifted off my chest now, im feeling much better :>

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ring A Bell?

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. -Andre Gide
I read this in a book once, perhaps two years ago? Back then, i didn't really give a shit but today, somehow it just popped up in my head. Its this girly book called The Clique ( there's a movie for it also!), anyway from what I remember, apparently the bunch of girls were having a sleepover & this question came out ;
"Would you rather have, a)a few 'close' friends who secretly bitches about/hates you, or b) just one friend who doesn't?"
I recall most of them choosing "a" as their answer, but at the end of the novel, the alpha of the clique, Massie Block ( I think ) who didn't answer during the sleepover, tells the girl who asked that, like her, she would choose "b". Sadly, since she's like the leader, she has to hide that fact and go on continuing to be a queen snob.

Here's a question to those who read, what about you? What would you have chosen?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Few friendships would survive if each one knew
what his friend says of him behind his back. -Blaise Pascal

Monday, March 2, 2009


Maths paper was manageable, however the last question is causing me to feel all anxious because I have a feeling i could have gotten the right answer but i made a careless mistake. Ugh! Dont need to think about it, will just be glad I have only 4 more papers left.
Right now, im at the part of my life where suddenly there are new paths forming, causing me to get confused & stressed. Then there has been events such as my mother in the hospital for her neck(i dont think its anything serious),my dad having to now go to China to work and I'll only be able to see him once every three months. In a way Im happy, but im also sad because this isnt how a family is like, separated.Also, theres another decision i have to make soon ; jc or poly. sigh, life now seems extremely tough, but i'm holding on, im holding on tight!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


It is hilariously amusing, you know that?
Haha, ^^
It's alright, i think this never crossed your mind, so i shall write it out here, clearly written to let you read as many times as you want till that empty-head of yours(and whoever "supports" you,idk for what when there isnt any sides) can get it in, that sadly,
Thank you for bringing such delightful entertainment, I see you're making great effort for all the wrong things. Aw :(