Monday, March 9, 2009

Ring A Bell?

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. -Andre Gide
I read this in a book once, perhaps two years ago? Back then, i didn't really give a shit but today, somehow it just popped up in my head. Its this girly book called The Clique ( there's a movie for it also!), anyway from what I remember, apparently the bunch of girls were having a sleepover & this question came out ;
"Would you rather have, a)a few 'close' friends who secretly bitches about/hates you, or b) just one friend who doesn't?"
I recall most of them choosing "a" as their answer, but at the end of the novel, the alpha of the clique, Massie Block ( I think ) who didn't answer during the sleepover, tells the girl who asked that, like her, she would choose "b". Sadly, since she's like the leader, she has to hide that fact and go on continuing to be a queen snob.

Here's a question to those who read, what about you? What would you have chosen?


Your 2cents' worth