Monday, April 27, 2009

8-Y (python...psssst)

fucking hell i need to study i need to study omg Midyear is next week monday & I have not started on anything, not even a single,minute,miniscule thing.I think im preparing to kill myself. Fuck o levels are coming nearer i m blabbering like a lunatic & yet I have not gathered my fucking motivation to fucking study. FUCK! I must also stop swearing. dSKLfgblzsiuekdb
sorry. I need to keep cool, i must breathe in breathe out & FUCKING MEMORISE ESSAYS, FORMULAS,TACKLE SUMS, UNDERSTAND FUCKING CHEMISTRY. my life is over. my life is over. oh mai icicles.

i think when im brave/courageous/strong/extremely fuckingly determined enough,
i will go on a hiatus.
& really go on one & study for 1..2..3..4..5..6? AIYAH UNTIL O LEVELS IS OVER.
my social life will go down the drain drastically but at least i have a cellphone.
anything, text me.
you can ask my friends i wont write my number here.
dont fucking cb prank call me i will break your fucking fingers & you wouldnt like seeing me pissed.
oh &i need to

goodnight fuck off

i need to burn my laptop and destroy it.

Eerie Comforting Mellow

Hopefully one day I can bake them like that too :(
If I learn how to bake that is. Pfft.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Before you disappear, just give it time.

I had no idea "Love,actually" is such a sweet romantic christmassy movie. Everything seem so fairytale-hollywood-ish, but it was really worth watching. Then it made me think, and think and think.Slowly i just started feeling sad & alone.Do things like that happen in real life? I doubt so.... I need to pull myself together.

And the worst thing is, now I dont have a roommate anymore either.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Take A Chance

Chances dont stay and wait for you to accept or reject.
If they appear, you grab it and dont let it go.
You dont leave things half undone.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

for you, a thousand times over

for you, a thousand times over.
Today I feel like making a list of things I want to do after my 'O' levels.
1. Going to the beach to get a nice even tan.
2.Learn how to play touch rugby.
3.Sleep as much as I want for days.
4.Learn Sewing.
5.Get a cool job which pays well.
6.Start my own portfolio of designs & sketches.
7.Go to Shanghai (please make it happen) & HANG WITH LEI NUO SI!
8.Lose weight (Its always on the list so,yeah)
9.Make a freaking bank account,and save money.
10.Redecorate my room to the kind of style that I want it in.
11.Volunteer @ SPCA
12.Learn how to dance(hip-hop etc)
13.Get a make-over.Hair,style,whatevs.
14.Learn French!!!
15.Or Tamil( kidding, i know a few words already actually)
16.Go jogging in the morning at least 4 times a week.
17.Make loads more new friends.
18.Catch up with old primary school friends(reunion!)
19.Read as many books as I can.
20.Design my own clothes( possible!)
21. Stay out late
22.Go to another chalet with all my classmates for our one last gathering
23.Gain more knowledge on whats going on around the world.
24.Learn a new word everyday.
Thats all folks, for now.
Its 1.11am, imma hit the sack.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


For once in my life, i have admitted i am afraid. I'm afraid, im scared of what the future holds for me,will I make it? Will everything be worth it? Will everything turn out right? ...

Times like this I wish I could give everything up and live my life as a school dropout, but I know i know better, I wouldnt want to let my parents down, my friends down, everyone down and most importantly, myself down.I know I wouldnt want to give the satisfaction to those who want to see me on the ground,to those who curse me.I want to prove to myself I can achieve something, but the constant pressure ; Expectations, Examinations, Targets, Lack of time, all of these wears me down.

A friend told me to listen to Coldplay to feel better,& it definitely is working,but simultaneously,"The Scientist" sounds so sad to me, it makes me feel like breaking down into tears more. Why do I always end up feeling so blue and lousy? Why can't I just feel the warmth of the sun, the feel-good vibes of a smile and enjoy everything?

Tell me how to get a grip of myself, tell me how to gain my momentum, tell me how to put on a brave front and take a step forward. Someone please be there for me, someone please tell me you know all of this and you can guide me. Please.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Only 4 months have passed & I am already fervently wishing it would end ASAP.Perhaps this is because Im too much of a perfectionist, I have countless regrets within a short period of time, I hate so vehemently, and I give up easily, but whatever 2009 had in store for me for the 4 months has worn me down.
I like new beginnings, it means you get another chance, you start afresh on a new chapter of life, you are armed with more knowledge of what to be cautious of due to previous mishaps.Yeah, its pretty easy to tell yourself," Alright, lets start all over again. This time I wont do this/that..etc" and go back to the start, but life isnt some computer game, where you can restart at your own will if you lose or use up your chances.Even if you wanted to, even if you wanted to start anew and come back with a total different self, nobody would really understand or support you because they'll think you're just trying to be someone you're not/trying too hard.But what do people know?
What do they know about you?Do they even know the real you?Isn't one of life's purpose to find one's true self?I dont even know the true me, I dont know if whatever Im saying now makes much sense to anyone out there,sometimes I dont even understand myself,why I am so rash/cold,I forget my reasons for it,I lose all my purpose in my actions and feelings,everything.I lose everything.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Recently, I started having this huge craze over piglets. I mean just look at them, they're tiny, they are pink and they look so adorable! When I grow up, Im gonna have a little pink piglet as my pet :> Along with a few dogs also, because I'm also a dog fanatic. So anyways, let me show you the reason why you should be gushing over piglets too...

Just look @ them!

The little piglet scratching its ear is sooooo adorable!

See what I mean? If you still don't , you're just a stupid. Piglets are the cutest thing on earth!Alright, imma hit the sack now, I've got CIP project to do early in the morn. Ugh goodnight peepz

Saturday, April 11, 2009


after not blogging for eons, i have decided to finally update because :
1. im feeling hyper
2. im bored

3. i dont feel sleepy so i shall think of something clever to say
4. i feel like jogging now but its scary & dark outside.
5. im talking to boboobrina tay whilst he is @ a gambling den(friends haus)

Friday was good, went to watch "Knowing" w ze Lost Boys,aka Jupiter,Boboobrina,Chihwahwa,PolarBear,Snorlax and....Alson(sry,couldnt think of any nickname).Apparently, i had the idea that ze Lost Gals ( sry im not in tt category im tomboy)would be coming along too, but alas, i was the only female. How sad.
On top of that, I was 1 hour early because of a CERTAIN snorlax,who initially informed me to meet by 12,whereas poor me only realised I was the earliest when jinhan replied via text message that we were supposed to meet by 1 instead.(All ze Lost Boys were informed whereas yours truly,wasnt)However, i dont hold grudges ( like the ju-on boy),so the moment Snorlax arrived, i was being chirpy.I have to say Knowing is a hell of a good movie although the ending's..awkward,and everyone should watch. I totally scared the shit out of Alson & Chihwahwaa few times because Yours Truly freaked out at a few parts for no apparent reason.Whats more, I met Tiffany Sarah, still looking as cute as ever^^,& my long time no see meet Vain Buddy Alvin Tan!!!!!!!!
So Friday was a pretty good day.
Today definitely pale in comparison w Friday,seeing how i had to rot @ home the whole day,either sleeping, playing tower bloxx on my cell, reading a book, thinking of clever things to do or procastinating. Some I did simultaneously, but basically if i summarize today,it was not productive at all. I was thinking of jogging my fat ass off, but seeing how im so lazy & my sports shoe's sole has worn out, i stayed @ home. PLUS, it was raining turtles and rabbits. Whatevs.
Worst thing( It was good in a way too ), I went out w my brother @ around 11.30pm at night for some late night MEEPOK. Today must be a good day cos I was craving for it. HEEHEE^^ So yeah, meepok, talk about his friend who has totally changed, his friday night outing,life,people, was a brother sister bonding session ^^
So anyway yeah, thats about it im still high now & i know i've written nonsensical gibberish but this will do for nao. Sleep tight x

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Best Sincere Wishes

to VANESSA LEE SHU FEN, happy sweet 16th birthday to you babe!
although you were feeling pressurized and stuff,
it really wasnt your fault & sorry if you felt left out k?
I know its not nice to feel that way on your birthday,
so hope you enjoy your chalet today
and may you achieve your future endeavours!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Have not been blogging for ages, pretty much because i dont have the time to, or more like im doing other nonsensical stuff ,procastinating instead of doing my assignments. Since I still feel like wasting my time, I shall blog about how my week went so far.

Sunday I was basically like a freakazoid, stressing myself out about the next day(monday),because i had to perform infront of the school during the assembly period.Fortunately, everything went well & I didnt laugh when I slapped Hacken & Ashraf. Great.However tuesday i think i sucked real bad because I laughed @ Hacken flinching before I even slapped, causing me to fumble with my lines.Managed to skip IRP on tuesday because I had to go to ACS barker for SYF rehearsal ^^ On the way to ACS, was talking to Wijitra & although everything was a past, I guess I still felt a little bitter & revengeful? Yeah.But felt better after talking to her about all those shit. Heehee so i somehow managed to get closer to Wiji!^^
Returned to school around 7.45pm? Mr tan ordered Pizza for us Drama students, went home immediately watched the tv when I was supposed to be, mugging.Slept @ 12,but still felt sleepy in school today.I totally forgot today was April fool's day!

I totally got pranked on, after chinese it was recess & Peisi offered me an Oreo cookie/biscuit so i took one, somehow i sensed something fishy cos' she seemed to be preventing herself from laughing? Only realised why she was stifling her laughter when I took a bite from the Oreo ; Oreo cookie/biscuit with toothpaste as the cream. Fuck, but it tasted okay to me. However Benhard wanted to eat it, so i pranked him, he placed the whole thing in his mouth, and then took it out and threw it at me, so sad :( Everything was fun today, it being April fools and shit.

Something Im looking forward to for this week :
Going for Vanessa's chalet!!!!!!
& possibly meeting up w Hyona(hyena) & Samuel buddy on friday,
but seeing how Mr tan says we will have another rehearsal,
i dont know how things are gonna go for friday.
Oh well, thats all imma do my homeworks now. Peace \\//