Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Have not been blogging for ages, pretty much because i dont have the time to, or more like im doing other nonsensical stuff ,procastinating instead of doing my assignments. Since I still feel like wasting my time, I shall blog about how my week went so far.

Sunday I was basically like a freakazoid, stressing myself out about the next day(monday),because i had to perform infront of the school during the assembly period.Fortunately, everything went well & I didnt laugh when I slapped Hacken & Ashraf. Great.However tuesday i think i sucked real bad because I laughed @ Hacken flinching before I even slapped, causing me to fumble with my lines.Managed to skip IRP on tuesday because I had to go to ACS barker for SYF rehearsal ^^ On the way to ACS, was talking to Wijitra & although everything was a past, I guess I still felt a little bitter & revengeful? Yeah.But felt better after talking to her about all those shit. Heehee so i somehow managed to get closer to Wiji!^^
Returned to school around 7.45pm? Mr tan ordered Pizza for us Drama students, went home immediately watched the tv when I was supposed to be, mugging.Slept @ 12,but still felt sleepy in school today.I totally forgot today was April fool's day!

I totally got pranked on, after chinese it was recess & Peisi offered me an Oreo cookie/biscuit so i took one, somehow i sensed something fishy cos' she seemed to be preventing herself from laughing? Only realised why she was stifling her laughter when I took a bite from the Oreo ; Oreo cookie/biscuit with toothpaste as the cream. Fuck, but it tasted okay to me. However Benhard wanted to eat it, so i pranked him, he placed the whole thing in his mouth, and then took it out and threw it at me, so sad :( Everything was fun today, it being April fools and shit.

Something Im looking forward to for this week :
Going for Vanessa's chalet!!!!!!
& possibly meeting up w Hyona(hyena) & Samuel buddy on friday,
but seeing how Mr tan says we will have another rehearsal,
i dont know how things are gonna go for friday.
Oh well, thats all imma do my homeworks now. Peace \\//

1 comment:

  1. wiji is a very nice girl to talk with :)
    haha a very good listening ear!


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