Saturday, May 23, 2009

Let Go

Living by the moment these days, i dont regret the past, i dont think too much of the future like before, i just think,live,breathe, by the moment. Its good to feel slightly carefree. Suddenly everything seems brighter, how even the slightest things make me smile. I finally feel positive after such a long time.

Moving to the nu haus on tuesday, just finished packing most of my stuff, currently having a backache and a splitting headache, but i feel accomplished.Saturday has gone by so fast!Oh wait, it's still 11.40 now. Pfft. But anyway, i've done pretty much all the things i was supposed to do, so theres nothing to worry about. The place i'm moving to is pretty cool, the swimming pool looks inviting and theres even that jacuzzi like thing in it,whats there not to like?Also a good place to relax and read a book kinda thing. Looking forward to tuesday!

Anyway,Im thinking of chopping off my hair, although i love my curls, its high maintenance, and my hair's too long already.I dont really have time for making my hair look awesome, so i shall make things easy soon.Im gonna miss my curls, but it looks too out of shape and lanky now. Oh well.

Recently, I've started to develop a liking for classical music,especially chopin and yiruma. It sounds so peaceful and comforting, and it makes me sleep better. What the heck, i know im a sleepyhead, but come on, sleep is so comforting, you drift off to slumberland, you can dream dreams & wake up thinking over whatever you did in it. Isnt it just wonderful?!

I better hit the sack now, or go finish up packing everything so tomorrow I will be free.Toodles!

1 comment:

  1. dammit your new place sounds super nice.. i likeeeeeeee


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