Monday, June 8, 2009


I dont know why, but today I feel like typing out my gratitude to my friends.
Leave a comment if you want to be mentioned, but either way i appreciate all you guys!!!
So here goes...
First off,

Divya. Hey Mango Bajitos!
You're the first person I got to thank, and not for a few stuff, but basically for everything.From putting up with me being a cold shoulder bitch,being so grumpy and moody and angsty,enduring my nonsense and temper,to standing up for me and sticking with me throughout the hard times I had to go through.We were really close pals back in Sec 1 remember? Haha netball buddies,and then in sec 2 Praseedha came into the picture and we trio would always be the hooligans making the most noise during our training,fooling around.But those,I admit were one of the greatest, most enjoyable time of my life. Although during sec 2 we started to fall out, I knew during netball we were still like close pals, werent we? Besides the following year, we got closer again as friends and now, we're still sticking together through the end aite?Omg I also have to thank you for the muffins that you bought for me for my sweet 16( Although it wasnt really a sweet 16,hah)!! I hope we'll go to the same JC or Poly and continue our longliving friendship! Love you Bajitos^^ (virtual hugs)
Peisi. Hello Pipi!!!
My sweet little sexy crazy galpal! Thank you for being my bestest friend for 2 and a half years! Although I cant say we are still the bestest friends since we dont hang often anymore, Im happy and proud to say we've been friends for 3 years and counting! How great is that,aite? Although at times you were irritating, I think i've been 10 times more of a pest to you so, thank you for having patience :) Im glad that although we've gone through much shit, sometimes bickering over small stuff and not talking,we still manage to talk things out and still are close.It would definitely have been better if we were still the trio hanging out together all the time, but i guess this is fate.So we cant change anything :/ I really really want to thank you, and I'll seriously miss you when we graduate, because I wouldnt be able to turn to grin like an idiot at you, i wouldnt be able to squeeze your skinny cold fingers,i wouldnt see that sweet pretty face in my class anymore :( So right now i really hope we'll still keep in touch, and meet up often ^^ I love you Pipi!!!!( virtual hugs )

Praseedha. Yo Gangsta'!
Heyheyheyyyyy, Prabra, my laughing partner during netball, always laughing your ass out because I talk too much crap, and complimenting me like an old granny, smiling like one somemore, lastly,not to forget, the smart polite studious girl who sat next to me for a period of time in sec 1. Haha!I used to find you irritating because you seemed like a geek, but dude, i love you for that now, you're perfect the way you are^^ I swear although I joke around like this, I will really miss you because I wouldnt have that intelligent bright gangsta sitting behind me in class,I wouldnt be able to have netball trainings with my GK partner anymore :( Haha omg, remember once, during sec 2 when i kept commenting over the top jokes about you in friendster? Then we had a quarrel and a cold war. Fun times, at least we still talk now HAHAHA!I hope you'll get into a great JC and make more new friends ,but we'll forever keep in touch. I love you Prabra!!!!! ( Virtual hugs )

Liying. Flowerball( I got that from your vid heh)
Gosh where to start. I remember when I was in sec 1, you and jan sat next to me in your class row during assemblies, and how Miss Aw always caught you two for your skirts.Then I remember us getting acquainted, asking me if Im korean and making small talk. Then in sec 2, for a point of time I started hanging out with you and some of your classmates haha because of..yknow who but yeah..shhhh!! You were always the loud and outgoing friendly girl, who was just rebellious sometimes. Haha when it came to sec 3, we guys started hanging out as a clique, remember? Everything was seriously so kept together and perfect...Then stuff happened.So I lost my trust and stuff, however i realised I dont have any grudges against you, its just I didnt want you to get influenced till you cant come back to the right path and I was angry that you didnt understand.In the end, everything is all cool now so we're alright arent we? ^^ I just wanted to say that although we're just mutual friends now, Im grateful for the happy memories we all shared and I hope we'll remain on a friendly basis! Thank you for being my friend, Liying! (Virtual Hugs)

Jan. You're the leopard stick right? Hahaha!
Basically the same as Liying, always very sweet and friendly, how we were all so thrilled and awed when you would be defiant to Miss Aw,talking back and stuff haha. Im sorry that our friendship went astray because of some unfateful event,you deciding to side the other person..However, im sure we're alright now right? I realised I was being immature for vehemently hating you liying and shuyi ,besides that would only make me more stressed and angered, and for no apparent reason!So yeah, I hope that even after we graduate, we'll still be able to bump into each other on the streets and still be able to smile back to each other and ask one another about our wellbeing. Also, thank you for the happy funny moments, the time during Halloween , for the joy you brought to my life , although it wasnt for a long period of time, I'll remember and be thankful to know someone like you ^^ (Virtual hug)
Although We had a small quarrel last year, im really glad you were the mature one and understood me and we both clarified things. If you hadnt, i think my life would be extremely boring because I wouldnt have someone as bubbly and chirpy as you! PLEASE COME TO SCHOOL OFTEN FROM NOW ON!!!!So at least I can see you more often and you should start fattening up, you're getting skinnier and skinnier and its not good :( Thank you for being a reliable friend and for listening to my problems too. Haha and one day you should come to my house to study again and video call jepthah!!!!HAHAHAH k sorry jepthah. I hope we'll keep in contact and lets go out more often please hunnybun! (virtual hugs)

Surprise surprise, to Shuyi.
Actually I think I should thank you the most, going through so much stuff together and ending our friendship in a bad way, I still learnt alot, from you, from the incident, from the people around us. Whenever I think back about the times when we would always stick together, going out together, Me going over to your house and playing dress up, remember the time when you had a new webcam and we made stupid videos of us singing? Those sure were good times, how you'd tell me about your love problems, and i'd tell you mine.And two years back, when we were both nursing our broken hearts, im just sorry that I couldnt have comforted and consoled you in a better way, myself going through the same thing. But now that you have finally gotten a steady boyfriend, and we arent really considered bestfriends or even friends anymore, I hope you are truthfully happy with who you have in your life right now. Im thankful for all those happy times we shared ,along with peisi, we were like the three musketeers, never apart and always sticking with each other.Haha during our sec 3 camp, remember you and peisi were superstitious and did all those messy slipper arrangement and knocking the door,and we trio got so scared that we bathed together. Really gay but yeah and you fell from the bathtub and we kept laughing!We even shared the bed together as bestfriends with peisi..We were such bestfriends, whatever happened? Sometimes I feel like crying when I think about how things arent gonna be like that anymore, but this is life, friends come and go. I really want to thank you for making the 3 years of my secondary school life a really memoirable one, and sorry things wont be the same anymore. All the more, I just hope to God you will make the right decisions and make the right choices, dont let your parents down anymore shuyi....Alright? <=] Stay happy and dont do things you'll regret anymore! (virtual hug)
To my new friend, Khairi Minogue/Khairipuff/Khaiya/Khairi!
Hahaha since you are staying up till now and you're a new interesting friend,
heres one for you. Thank you for being the cheerful boy who listened to me yakking online,
and also lets be friends for as long as we can!!!! ^^ And yes, one day we'll meet up soon, with shane and the rest :D (virtual hug)
The end!



  2. AWW ITS OKAY BABE:D im glad that you're my friend cause life just WOULD NOT BE THE SAME if you weren't there to punch me, make fun of me, or cheer me up. hahaha WHY NEVER COME TO SCHOOL TODAY BITCH. anyway,thank god we were in the team together! cause trainings would not have been the same if you weren't there.making us all laugh about the sounds you made and stuff like that hahaha. you're a good friend, and you should know that:D

  3. hey christine,
    thank you for the post :)
    Although we are'nt really close now
    I'l still like to thank you
    for being part of my life
    I will never forget
    the happy moments we had together
    remember the time,liying,divya and I
    went to your house?
    All these memories,
    will be kept forever
    I hope ltr in the future,
    when we go our seperate ways
    You'll remember little me
    as once
    as your part of your life



Your 2cents' worth