Saturday, November 21, 2009


We all live a sad complicated life.
When we were young, everything was simple.
I like you, you like me, lets be friends.
Friendship was liking the same things, playing
together everyday, going to the same school.
It was a rare thing to have backstabbing or bitching
or pretending you like that friend although you secretly
don't give a fuck.You could do the silliest thing on earth,
and no one could say mean stuff about you because afterall,
you are just a young child.

Then as we move on to the age where we notice the
opposite sex and is able to think in a more rational,
mature way, thats when everything started.
People could put on a facade, could say the most venemous
things about you-behind your back.It takes a sinfully long
time, and many repeated mistakes, to know who will leave
you, and who will stand by you till the end of time.You never
know, whether in your group of friends you're the black sheep,
or among everyone they think you cant fit in.This is the age
when you know what stress and true friendship is.

I dont know if im getting by on acquaintances and good friends
who arent that good afterall.

I think i just need to go on a hiatus to organise my head.

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