Wednesday, July 8, 2009


How do you stop yourself from thinking of the worst case scenario of everything?Sometimes I feel like I let my thoughts get the better of me too often, to the point I stress myself out ,worrying that things will never turn out right, or someone is out to embarrass me,make me feel like dirt,or that they secretly bitch about me behind my back and act nice when I'm around. I think im too tensed, how do all those chilled out people ever just say, "chill la, can you just calm down and stop worrying?" and not even care a shit about how whatever the outcomes of their lives would be like? Its too complexed a thing for me, although ironically, chilling out has nothing to do with it.

Society, these days, is so hard to catch up with.
Is it just a phase that I'm going through as I get older? Or is it just me being so paranoid and looking at everything in such a confusing way?Society makes me feel as though I'm trying to be someone else, and on top of that, someone who will never fit in and be well-liked by others for who i am. Just what the hell is "being yourself" like when each and everyone of us honestly dont really know? If you like a certain something and some really popular kid likes it too, they say you have no originality.And in the end, you cant express your like for something, just because they have already been favoured by others.Dont get me wrong, I know people would just reply " dont give a shit about them la ", but how can you not, when practically everyone in society wants to be liked and accepted? I think ignorance is a reasonable advice, but i dont think it works forever either.

Today I must be feeling cynical and more paranoid than ever huh. Sigh.

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