Tuesday, April 21, 2009

for you, a thousand times over

for you, a thousand times over.
Today I feel like making a list of things I want to do after my 'O' levels.
1. Going to the beach to get a nice even tan.
2.Learn how to play touch rugby.
3.Sleep as much as I want for days.
4.Learn Sewing.
5.Get a cool job which pays well.
6.Start my own portfolio of designs & sketches.
7.Go to Shanghai (please make it happen) & HANG WITH LEI NUO SI!
8.Lose weight (Its always on the list so,yeah)
9.Make a freaking bank account,and save money.
10.Redecorate my room to the kind of style that I want it in.
11.Volunteer @ SPCA
12.Learn how to dance(hip-hop etc)
13.Get a make-over.Hair,style,whatevs.
14.Learn French!!!
15.Or Tamil( kidding, i know a few words already actually)
16.Go jogging in the morning at least 4 times a week.
17.Make loads more new friends.
18.Catch up with old primary school friends(reunion!)
19.Read as many books as I can.
20.Design my own clothes( possible!)
21. Stay out late
22.Go to another chalet with all my classmates for our one last gathering
23.Gain more knowledge on whats going on around the world.
24.Learn a new word everyday.
Thats all folks, for now.
Its 1.11am, imma hit the sack.

1 comment:

  1. after my n level

    3.Sleep as much as I want for days.
    5.Get a cool job which pays well.
    12.Learn how to dance(hip-hop etc)
    14.Learn French
    ...NOT . i wanna learn thai hahahha
    17.Make loads more new friends.
    21. Stay out late
    23.Gain more knowledge on whats going on around the world.


Your 2cents' worth