Saturday, April 11, 2009


after not blogging for eons, i have decided to finally update because :
1. im feeling hyper
2. im bored

3. i dont feel sleepy so i shall think of something clever to say
4. i feel like jogging now but its scary & dark outside.
5. im talking to boboobrina tay whilst he is @ a gambling den(friends haus)

Friday was good, went to watch "Knowing" w ze Lost Boys,aka Jupiter,Boboobrina,Chihwahwa,PolarBear,Snorlax and....Alson(sry,couldnt think of any nickname).Apparently, i had the idea that ze Lost Gals ( sry im not in tt category im tomboy)would be coming along too, but alas, i was the only female. How sad.
On top of that, I was 1 hour early because of a CERTAIN snorlax,who initially informed me to meet by 12,whereas poor me only realised I was the earliest when jinhan replied via text message that we were supposed to meet by 1 instead.(All ze Lost Boys were informed whereas yours truly,wasnt)However, i dont hold grudges ( like the ju-on boy),so the moment Snorlax arrived, i was being chirpy.I have to say Knowing is a hell of a good movie although the ending's..awkward,and everyone should watch. I totally scared the shit out of Alson & Chihwahwaa few times because Yours Truly freaked out at a few parts for no apparent reason.Whats more, I met Tiffany Sarah, still looking as cute as ever^^,& my long time no see meet Vain Buddy Alvin Tan!!!!!!!!
So Friday was a pretty good day.
Today definitely pale in comparison w Friday,seeing how i had to rot @ home the whole day,either sleeping, playing tower bloxx on my cell, reading a book, thinking of clever things to do or procastinating. Some I did simultaneously, but basically if i summarize today,it was not productive at all. I was thinking of jogging my fat ass off, but seeing how im so lazy & my sports shoe's sole has worn out, i stayed @ home. PLUS, it was raining turtles and rabbits. Whatevs.
Worst thing( It was good in a way too ), I went out w my brother @ around 11.30pm at night for some late night MEEPOK. Today must be a good day cos I was craving for it. HEEHEE^^ So yeah, meepok, talk about his friend who has totally changed, his friday night outing,life,people, was a brother sister bonding session ^^
So anyway yeah, thats about it im still high now & i know i've written nonsensical gibberish but this will do for nao. Sleep tight x

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