Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today was an extremely fulfilling day, woke up early to meet Jephthah,Boyuan,Alson,ChuanWah,Delis,Shaun & GuanWee and headed to East Coast Park! Everyone wanted to cycle whereas I was the only happy loser who skated around, trying to catch up with them bikers as fast as I can. Needless to say, my years of rollerblading experience paid off^^ Heehee! We were cycling & skating around for nearly 4 hours, stopping a few times to rest, and also to play blackjack & Heart Attack. Well I have no idea how to play blackjack so watched them play,sometimes saying out all Chuan Wah's cards just for the fun of it. Sorry Chuan Wah but thats just me being an irritant (smiles sheepishly).For dinner, it was a satisfying Steamboat meal(again),but @ Bugis instead. Haha & the only thing I ate the most was not meat, but that thin glass noodles-_- The "tang hoon" noodles. I mean it tastes really good!With the MaLa soup or whatever you call it.Then we chillax-ed, chatted with one another & finally, made our way home..

Whilst reaching home, someone called me and I realised it was this close friend/"older brother" I know from Church-name's Hyun Seok, & whatever he said really left me speechless. Apparently around mid-february my parents told me he was gonna go to England to study? & Yeah, I knew,He knew I knew, but we didnt really hung out or even go out for one last outing.Sad to say, in church we would just exhange greetings,make small talk & part ways..He never told me when he would be leaving? Until today.He told me he was gonna leave for Malaysia for a holiday w his parents first,then directly fly off to England after that.Gosh, the moment I heard that I couldnt help but start sobbing uncontrollably. Its like, he really was a good brotherly friend of mine,he was well-liked by everybody. What made me cry & regret was the fact that I couldnt go look for him just now because it was too late,he was already gonna leave, & also because I was too at a lost for words I couldnt say much on the phone. I had so much to say! This is one huge regret.I didnt even bade him a proper farewell,& he has already left.I wouldnt be able to see him for perhaps a year..Sigh so theres one thing I have learnt from this, that is to follow your heart, if you have something important to say, say it before its too late. This feeling sucks, everytime I think about it,it makes me cry again. Well all I can do for now is just wish him the best in England, pray that things will be alright for him & keep in touch w him through the internet. Sigh...Im not in the mood for blogging anymore. Shall end here for today, sorry.

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