Friday, March 13, 2009

Fucking Scary

Gosh. I am bloody scared now,after watching that thai horrow movie,"Coming Soon". It is seriously the scariest movie I have ever seen, how gory and shocking it is when the crazy ghost appears & screams. Well, went to watch it with Hyona^^ and Samuel!Haha, it was hilarious how me and hyona were like practically the only ones screaming like freaks throughout the movie( Quite embarrassing also ). Samuel just had to shock me suddenly, making me scream ,breaking the silence. Haha! Seriously today was damn epic.Today i got acquainted with Samuel's long time friend Jesterbunny, she's real chatty & animated, very sociable ^^ Also, met Mervyn for the first time although I kept quiet & didnt say hi because..Well I felt shy and awkward.
Okay,but let me digress. After the movie, we went to Peninsula Plaza to get myself another septum stud because I lost all my ball-bearings.In the end, within 10 minutes i lost one of my stud's ball bearing again. Sigh. So till hyona passes me one of her ball-bearing, I have t wear my stud without the ball-bearings. Hehe^^ Thank you Hyona!!!! Yeah, after getting the stud, headed to Haji Lane on foot, and sheesha-ed while we attempted taking unglam pictures of each other, and camwhore-ing also ^^ Was feeling dizzy at first, but then it gradually became a bad headache.
HOWEVER!today was a really fun day and I'm glad I met up w Hyona! and of course Sammy Buddy :> Thank you guys for making today such an enjoyable day & lets hang out soon!Haha alright, feeling exhausted, gonna go sleep. Meeting peisi @ 7.30am to jog!! x

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