Tuesday, August 11, 2009

To someone who likes to whack/ciung/sweet chin music/pew

I like how letting the cats out of the bag make me falter for you more.
I know this is so wrong, but it feels so right at the same time,crazy isnt it?
I dont know if this is love, but I do know when I think of you,
my heart cant help but to beat so fast.

This is all so crazy, but everything makes sense when the reason is you.
Although I walk around as though I'm carrying the weight of the world nowadays,
when I think of you, I still smile. It may be a sad smile, but i still smile,
because even if its something I should be crying over, I want to smile for you.
I know I sound like I'm good with words, but this isnt good enough to
describe, to explain just how immensely,how irrevocably I feel for you.

Be strong for me, I'll be strong for you.
I hope this made you smile at least once today, again.

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